Today is the 1st day of sch! Went to sch with gordon n reach TP at 8.30am. My 1st lesson was Communication me its like english lesson..onli tt now no more narrative..all expository..
Than went on to the 2nd lecture which was IISO...forgot wad it stands for but i remember the lecturer took 20mins jus going through wad IISO means n things like tt..
Took a break and met up with soo guan..went to MENSA(name of canteen) to meet gordon some others..while walking back met Jon, Sam and Jianhuang so went to Juipter Cafe and talk awhile b4 attending the last lec of the day..Computer System..2dae the lecturer told us wad we all knew.. e.g wad is a hard disk..wad is a floppy disk wad is cd-rom n stuff like tt..think it will get harder as the lesson goes on..
Dunno why but going to poly is more tiring than going to sec sch although the sch hour is shorter..hmm mayb its jus me..
i know my post r getting more n more boring cuz its jus about my life..i promise i'll find things more interesting to post about..
I'll end with a quote by Joseph Addison, "The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship.
To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover."
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Did an english test which i saw on Glenn's blog and here is my results
Advanced You scored 92% Beginner, 92% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 73% Expert! | |
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score. | |
Saturday, May 21, 2005
went for the 2nd day of the business sch orientation..took the matric card and timetable for the semester and met our care person.. than we played some games, have lunch and went on to the Sports Complex to cheer for our participants in the inter-sch telematch...shout shout and shout throughout...and we shouted to the design sch "go home paint wall go home paint wall" and to the engineering sch "go play lego go play lego"..its we proceed to cheer for those taking part in the dragon boat race at Bedok Reservior jus bhing TP..than at 7.30pm they have the party thing but its not compulsory and i was tired so i nv go...
Remembers wad my Snergy Leader(SL) said when we were all sian sian and dun wanna cheer..he said come on cheer leh dun be so ahgua..u dun wan people to say u guys from design sch rite? r guys from design sch really ah gua? well at least i know jianhuang n sam r not...o well i'll get to know tt in my 3 yrs at TP..
Sch starting on lesson start at 9..well time to say gd bye to the holidays and welcome back sch days...though things r gonna be different this time round.Friday, May 20, 2005
Went for TP orientation faces, new environment. Gonna spend my next three years there. Woke up at 6am today..its been a long time since i woke up so early. Met Kwee Kheong at 7.20 at the 27 bus stop. Took 27 to the bus stop outside TM..waited for three bus number 15 and all three was packed so we decided to take a cab to TP. The orientation was quite sian..jus do some cheers here and there and thats jus shout, walk, shout, walk the whole day. They veri jian know tt if we take the timetable and card to day tmr we wont go so they only give us the things tmr..which means tmr i till nid to go..haiz
Tired I'll update again soon...Friday, May 13, 2005
Hi my dear readers I'm back!!! yeah hooray come on cheer!!!(i know im lame but tis is my blog n there is nth u can do rite? muhahaha!)
Ok enuf of the crap n lets get things started. From my last post till now life being pretty much the same for me..except for some days when we will meet and go some our almost weekly 6hrs of dota at kembangan...Went to watch Kingdom Of Heaven yesterday at Plaza Singapura with the same faces..Jon, Junhao, Weibin, Gordon, Kenneth and KK..KK forgot to bring his IC and Student Pass so we gotta sneak him in cuz its a NC 16 show...and yes we sneak him in thanks to kenneth IC... Kd of heaven is a gd show, catch it if u have the time...its about war between Crusaders and the Islams...
Today, went with Charlin, Junhao, Weibin n Gordon to Nan Chiau to take our O level cert. This piece of paper is what we had worked for the past 4 years... although I had not really been working..slacking all the way until September of 2004... But people if u wanna get gd grades u cant be slacking until September...U can pass if u start in Sep but u mus start much earlier i u wanna score gd grades...
This trip back to NCHS oso bring back some memories of the 4 yrs in tt sch... memories, how sweet it
Sch starting in less than 2 weeks... finally after about 6 months of holidays... glad to have most of my frens in TP with me, although different courses...
Think i'll end here...dunno when i'll blog again...hope it will be soon so until next time take care and get ready for sch(for those who r like me waiting for poly)Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)