Its not really the holidays yet, in fact, its the study week. But my paper is on the 28th, which is still a week away and doesnt put any sense of urgency in me.
Didnt have any mahjong session today so im at home now, blogging. What've i been doing before this? Lets see, i woke up at 9, went back to sleep, really woke up at 10, had my breakfast, turn on the tv, watch some shows until 11, went back to my room, surf the net for awhile, turn on my DVD player and watched The Office, the comedy from 2005. Its so funny that I cant stop unless i finish a season. But hmm, home alone, watching dvd and laughing to the four walls, hmmm
When should i start my revision? Now. When will i start my revison? Probably not until next week. I reckon monday will be the day i gather the notes from those who have them, and maybe really start doing some revision tuesday or wednesday.
University application? Nah not applying, at least this year, dont think i'll be able to get into the 3 local uni with my results, somehow i regretted my that i slacked too much for year 1, but ohwel, whats done is done. Will probably further my education after NS, in SIM or some local correspondence of overseas universities. Well of cause, it all depends whether i win tonight 10million toto, or not.
Somehow i think i'll win, but i also think, everyone else thinks the same.
Money money come to papa :D