Thursday, February 16, 2006

Did u guys know Google came up with a pay system to challenge Paypal? Google luv the letter G veri much, like GMail, so they call their new system G-Buy. Yes its G-Buy. Say it out loud, G-BUY.

I try typing G-Buy on google and the follow r a few results i got:

Google testing paypal killer G-Buy
Google’s Gbuy Targets the World
Google has recruited online retailers to test G-Buy
GBuy Set to Compete with PayPal

Imagine someone saying things liked,

"ok la i pay u thru Gbuy"
"i'll transfer money to ur Gbuy account"
"for donations, send it to me via ur Gbuy"

And lastly, when Gbuy goes wrong, " NB CHAO GBUY!!!"


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