Friday, April 08, 2005


Lets start with a quote I saw someone put as his nick on msn messenger, "death is tragic but life is miserable"
People, this quote is least it is to me. Death might not necessary be tragic and life definitely is not miserable although its not a bed of roses. How come there are people who think like that on this earth. Ok if u really think life is miserable why not u just end your misery? Why would u wanna do something miserable? Crap...

Another matter, if something is special to u, it represents friendship, bonds, feelings, and memories, why would u wan people without those memories, those feelings to use it?

All that is written above are just my thoughts on matters. If you r offended by it in anyway there is nothing I can do about it

Since I start with a quote I'll end with one too. Its by Arthur Brisbane, "A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling."

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