Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sometimes its great to stop listening to rap and hip-hop once in a while and listen to those old songs.. and they really change my mood... songs like "Take me home country road" by John Denver, "How deep is your love" and "Words" by BeeGees, "Power of love" by Celion Dion just to name some. As being my usual sentimental self, I dont just listen to the songs, i feel the songs. For example, listening to take me home country road by John Denver makes me feel like im faraway from my home and longing to return.

Talking bout songs, remember the song which goes "every breathe u take, every move u make..."? Doesnt it feel like a song sang by a stalker? Imagine u hear someone behind u singing that than when u turn around theres nobody... eerie eh...

Theres a veri irritating frog on TV nowadays... and yes its none other than the Crazy Frog, the one which goes, "bing bing bing bing bing x infinite times"... lol

I'll end this entry with something i saw on, Alan Shearer is the best english striker in last decade and the 6th best player in the world the last decade!!!! HE IS TRULY A LEGEND!!!!!!

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